Cascadia Skeptics

Welcome to the page for information about skepticism-related events and groups around British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. The calendar below shows a variety of events happening around our region.

You can add these events to your own Google Calendar (or other compatible calendar software) by copying the appropriate calendar URL and subscribing to that calendar feed. To see the skepticism-related events around Washington, Oregon, and parts of British Columbia outside Vancouver, BC, just right-click and copy the Cascadia Skeptics feed’s link address and paste that into Other Calendars -> “Add by URL” in Google Calendar. To also see all the skepticism-related events around Vancouver, BC, plus some major events in the Cascadia region, right-click on the Vancouver Skeptics feed’s link address, then copy and paste it into Other Calendars -> “Add by URL” in Google Calendar.

To submit items for the Cascadia Skeptics calendar, or for any other questions or comments email To submit items for the Vancouver Skeptics calendar, email

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Upcoming events:

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